Episode 17 - Tongues
Adventures with God
Darren explores the controversial subject of speaking in tongues, and even films himself being prayed to exercise this gift of the spirit for the first time in his life. The question is: why are tongues so controversial?
Up Next in Adventures with God
Episode 18 - Does God Need Us?
God is moving mightily in the Middle East, particularly through dreams and visions. In this episode, we hear from Ali, who encountered Jesus while hanging out in Mecca, and also hear from other experts on the unprecedented rise in Muslims being born again by simply encountering Jesus in their dr...
Episode 19 - Hearing God
Watch the full story of Darren and Todd White in Monaco from Holy Ghost, where the guys have one day to try to discover why God sent them here, and why God told Darren to try to get on a boat. This leads to the question: how do you know if it’s God or if it’s you?
Episode 20 - Why is Faith So Hard?
In the season finale, see and hear the full story of how Darren and Todd White got into the Dome of the Rock in Israel. Shooting on location, Darren and his friends give a full understanding of just how impossible this miracle caught on film was. In the midst of this massive miracle, we ask the...